Computer Society of UWU

The computer society of Uva Wellassa University was initiated in 2010 by the students and under the guidance of the lecturers. The computer society of Uva Wellassa University is considered as the oldest and reputed society in the university. Mr. S.T.C.I. Wimaladharma (lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Informatics) and Ms. R.M.I.S. Ranasinghe (lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Informatics) are the current counselors of the Computer Society.

The main objective of the computer society is to aid the undergraduates of the university to improve their technical knowledge which will undoubtedly help them when they reach the industry training period. Over the past years, several technical workshops, technical discussions and Computer Software Troubleshooting Camps were organized by the computer society with the intention of improving the technical knowledge of undergraduates. The society has had success in organizing their main event “Deft Coder” for six consecutive years, which is a twelve-hour algorithm hackathon which helps to improve the problem solving and coding skills of the undergraduates of Uva Wellassa University.

Ian Challenge

Deft Coders

Belimal Dansala