Faculty Quality Assurance Cell

Faculty Quality Assurance Cell (FQAC), Faculty of Applied Sciences, Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka (UWU) was established in 2017 in accordance to the guidelines given by Quality Assurance Council of University Grants Commission (QAC-UGC).

FQAC coordinate and conduct quality assurance related activities within the faculty in liaison with the Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) of UWU.

Main function and responsibilities of FQAC

  • Plan, organize, develop and facilitate and monitor all quality assurance related activities within the Faculty to maintain and improve its quality standards.
  • Liaising with the CQA of the university regarding quality assurance related activities.
  • Facilitate of identification and sharing of good practices in the Faculty.
  • Carry out the collection of Student Feedback and Peer Observation of the staff of all departments in the Faculty.
  • Development and revision of documents required for improving the quality aspects of the Faculty.
  • Contribute to Institutional Review (IR) of UWU and Programme Review (PR) of the Faculty by assisting in preparing Self Evaluation Report (SER) where necessary and applicable.

Student Feedback

Student feedback is formally obtained in each semester to appraise the teaching performance of the lecturers through a structured questionnaire. Student feedback can be obtained manually using printed feedback forms or online through VLE.

Staff Peer Observation

Staff Peer Observation is a collaborative process designed to provide feedback to lecturers about their teaching. The lecturer under peer observation will closely work with a colleague or colleagues to receive feedback on her or his teaching methods and contents.

Dr. W.D.C.C. Wijerathne
Coordinator and Representative of the Science & Technology Degree Programme

Dr. A.A.G.D. Amarasooriya
Representative of the Mineral Resources & Technology Degree Programme

Mr. M.N.T. Nandasena
Representative of the Computer Science & Technology Degree Programme

Mr. A.M.B. Rathnayake
Representative of the Industrial Information Technology Degree Programme