

M.Sc. in Computer Science(Peradeniya University)
B.Sc (Special) in Computer Science (Vavuniya Campus of the university of Jaffna)
Email :rajeetha@uwu.ac.lk
Phone : +94 553560090

  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning

Dr.T.Katheesan, Ms Rajeetha, “Automated Detection of Mitotic Event in Biological Cellular Data” , 28th November 2017, South Eastern University of Srilanka, Sammanthurai

Ms Rajeetha, Ms Venuja. “Automatic Segmentation of Lung Nodule from Ct Images Using Fuzzy C- Means Clustering Algorithm and Active Contour Model”, 24th February 2021, Sabragamuwa University, ICARC 2021

Ms Rajeetha, Ms Venuja “Handwritten Character Recognition Using Neural Network Based on Sift Algorithm”, 3rd South Asia Conference on Interdisciplinary Research 2021

CST123 – 3(T) Database management systems
CST 345- 2 Software Quality Assurance